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Learn Basic Modelling with How to Make Fidget Spinner

Fidget Spinner Reference

Learn Modelling with how to make Fidget Spinner

Step 1:-  Add Back ground image Property Region(N) scroll Down and Background image/add image
Step 2:- Add Circle

circle is at center of the Grid adjust this to the perfect position by Scale, Rotate or however adjust the position see image for reference

After this go to Edit Mode and in Edit mode Give Them Perfect Position as in image

Step:- 3. Select one Circle Fill it and then inset it as in Reference

Then Delete the hole section Now copy this by Selecting one vertex and CTRL + L
Shift+D and place it at upper section as perfect circle and delete the previous circle

Step 5:- Delete the Half section and apply Mirror Modifier

Step 6:- Delete some section Down to the circle and by extruding vertex section of circle as in image

then use perfect topology and and fill every section with circle at middle with quads do not us triangle and n-gone (Explain Quad, Triangle and N-gone Next Section)

Step 7:- Proper Normal section and Extrude

Step 8:- Use Bevel Ctrl + B and Smooth edges

Step 9:- add circle

Step 10:- Exercise:- Give your Desired Shape At center ( or Use my Technique as on Video )

Step:- 11. Give your Desired Colour

Last Step:- Animate It


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